The Second Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Diabetes was held on 24 June 2017. It took place in conjunction with the 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, AIME 2017, in Vienna, Austria. The workshop was organised by Pau Herrero-Viñas (Imperial College London), Beatriz López (Universitat de Girona) and Clare Martin (Oxford Brookes University), as an initiative of the PEPPER consortium. The workshop was attended by thirteen international researchers from five different countries.
The invited speaker was Prof. M. Elena Hernando, Grupo de Bioingeniería Telemedicina, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain). Elena spoke about the challenge to create proactive Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that are integrated in the healthcare information systems, accessible from patients’ devices and able to collect relevant multi-parametric data from patients in a seamless way. The talk discussed lessons learned from previous experiences and presented new opportunities for AI in diabetes. There were eight further talks on a broad variety of topics ranging from the monitoring of drug purchase to support clinical decisions in the type 2 diabetes population to clinical decision support for the diagnosis of retinopathy. Full details and proceedings are available on the workshop website.
One of the decisions taken at the inaugural workshop in 2016 was that the group should create and maintain an indexed website of resources to support research into Artificial Intelligence in Diabetes. This work has been started and the resulting website was demonstrated at this workshop and will be open to the community soon. Discussions took place about how to structure, manage and maintain the website and associated mailing list. It was agreed that the next workshop will be organised in conjunction with IJCAI/ECAI 2018 in Stockholm, in order to capitalise on the enthusiasm and momentum created by the first two events.